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Unlocking my musical talent

Growing up, I always thought of myself as the sporty one. I have always held a special attraction for sports. I recall during past Christmases I was never one to ask for artistic things. Instead, Anneliese usually received musical instruments or a paint set. On the other hand, I usually received a basketball, swimming gear, a football. I had no desire to be tangled with the arts even when all my sisters took up an instrument. I preferred to stick with what I knew. Looking back, I realized I was also scared of stepping out of my comfort zone. I was scared of failing. My sisters have always said it’s a good idea to start anything at a young age. Even if later on you realize it’s not your thing at least you gave it a chance to develop. During middle school, Anneliese took a guitar course. My mother offered it to me, but I shot it down immediately. I possessed indifference when it came to music. Later on, I noticed differences between playing guitar and piano. The piano to me seems like I’m sitting at a desk and typing. It held no interest for me, but the guitar caught my attention. However, I still refused to play. It was only after I tore my ACL that I was forced to take guitar lessons. It was a blessing as I discovered later. It helped me take my mind off sports and helped me redirect my energy elsewhere. I have always doubted my musical abilities, but maybe it’s because I never nurtured them like I have done for my athletic abilities. No one can expect to start swimming and break Olympic records. They might later on, but it still requires effort and time on their part. Now, I enjoy playing guitar. I love when my sisters and I work on a new song. Recently, we just learned Fall Back by Cimorelli. Anneliese helped videotaped. Side note: She was making all sorts of goofy faces which is why I'm laughing. Enjoy!

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